Construction Technology and Safety of Pile Driving on Water

7 months ago

1. Acceptance of finished piles After the PHC piles are transported to the site, the relevant quality assurance information of…

A Comprehensive Inventory of Safety Points for Various Types of Pile Foundation Construction

7 months ago

Nowadays, the construction of large buildings is becoming more and more common. The increase in the scale of buildings has…

Comparative Analysis of Rotary Drilling Rigs, Impact Drills and Rotary Drilling Rigs!

7 months ago

Today, we will compare rotary drilling rigs with commonly used impact and rotary drilling rigs in the past, and give…

Quality Control of Sediment Thickness at the Bottom of Holes in Rotary Drilled Cast-in-Place Piles in Thick Sandy Strata

7 months ago

For rotary bored piles, controlling the thickness of sediment at the bottom of the pile is the key to quality…

The Most Detailed Classification of Pile Foundations

7 months ago

With the continuous development of engineering technology, new steel piles and reinforced concrete piles are becoming more and more widely…

Detailed Explanation of Underground Continuous Wall Construction Technology in Subway Stations

7 months ago

Venue Layout The construction site mainly includes three parts: the underground diaphragm wall forming area; the mud system area; and…

Detailed Introduction of DDC (Deep Deep Compaction Method in the Hole) and SDDC (Super Strong Compaction Method Deep in the Hole)

7 months ago

Foundation engineering is an extremely important part of construction projects, whether it is the treatment of problems such as "miscellaneous…

Cushion Method for Foundation Treatment

7 months ago

The cushion method is to dig out the weak soil layer within a certain range under the base of the…

20 Questions on Bridge Pile Foundation Construction!

7 months ago

1. What should I do if the drilling hole is offset? 1. Quality problems and phenomena 1) The hole is…

Summary of Various Open-Cut Construction Methods for Underground Projects

7 months ago

1. Slope excavation (Large excavation) method There are no supports or supporting structures in the pit; it is convenient for…